sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011

Patbingsu or Pat Bing Soo [RECIPE]

-1 large bowl of ice cubes, and a working electric ice shaver
-1 can mixed fruit cocktail
-1 ripe kiwi, sliced (other fruit optional)
-1 pouch red bean paste (found in Asian markets)
-1 package mochi (rice cake) pieces (also found in Asian markets)
-1 pint green tea or vanilla ice cream
-1 can sweetened condensed milk

1. Shave ice into a large container, using the electric ice shaver on the finest setting possible (on ours, it's "smoothie"). Put a small amount into individual serving bowls, so they are half full (aren't I the optimist?).
2. Drizzle sweetened condensed milk over the ice.

3. Proceed to arrange the fruit on top of the ice, covering one half. Put a small amount of red bean paste next to this, and then a small pile of mochi pieces and one scoop of ice cream.

4. Finish with another small drizzle of sweetened condensed milk over the top.


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