vineri, 4 februarie 2011

Songpyon [Half-Moon-Shaped Rice Cake]

Ingredients : 
- 5 cups rice
- 1 tbsp. salt 
- food colors
- 2 oz. mugwort
- 10 chestnuts
- 1/2 cup sesame seeds
- 10 jujubes
- 1 cup sweet bean flour 
- 1 tsp. salt
- 2 tbsp. honey 
- 2 tbsp. sesame oil 
- 1/2 cup sugar

Directions : 
1. Wash the rice, soak it for a while and drain. Grind the soaked rice very finely adding salt and strain.
2. Peel the chestnuts, boil them and put through a sieve. Pit and chop the jujubes finely. Fry the sesame seeds and simmer the sweet bean flour with 1/2 cup sugar. Then mix each ingredient with salt and honey.
3. Divide the ground rice into there equal parts. Add the food color to one-third along with boiling water and knead it into dough. Add boiled chopped mugwort to the second part and knead. Add boiling water to the rest as it is and knead it into dough.
4. Fill the dough pieces with the #2 filling and shape them into half-moon-shape rice cakes.
5. Stream the half-moon rice cakes and brush them with the sesame oil.

Un comentariu:

Nicole E. Nastase spunea...

Yummmmmy ......... it very very very nice ....... i lake this cake